2023 Shopper Survey

731 Respondents from Alabama, Southern Louisiana, Florida Panhandle, Mississippi and Tennessee

map to show where shopper survey respondents live

Shopper Weekly Spend

Related to HH Size

  • Weekly grocery spend over $250 most likely in HHs with 3+ persons
  • Grocery spend under $150 weekly most likely for 1-2 person HHs
graph showing shopper weekly spend by household size

Shopper Visit Frequency

Related to weekly spend

Shopper Frequency

  • 3X+ per week shoppers spend more on groceries

  • 24% shop 3X per week or more

Shopper Choice of Primary Store

Respondents chose all that apply

  • Location and Price are primary concerns in choice of primary store – over 70%

  • Service, inventory and store cleanliness are secondary concerns when choosing a primary store – 36% to 47%

Shopper Coupon Usage

Respondents chose all that apply or none

  • Overall – 63% of respondents use coupons of some kind

  • Income brackets over $50K use more electronic circular coupons than other groups

  • Mailed coupons have lowest usage rates in high income households

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